
When was the last time you laid on the grass and looked up in the sky? Or, when was the last time you built a sandcastle on the beach, just because you should?

I am a science based person who stems from a very science orientated family, but something magical happens when we stop to connect with nature. To stop and blow dandelions, or to run through a park with no shoes on, OR for me personally when I stand with my feet firmly planted in the sand as the waves ‘crash’ onto my shins, with my arms outstretched looking at the sun or out into the distance, I feel grounded, connected, at peace, like nothing can shake me, like everything is perfect, like everything will be okay.


As humans, especially as adults, we have soooo many responsibilities and so many things we ‘need’ to be doing that we never take time anymore to just stop and be still. To sit with ourselves and check in. To do something ‘crazy’, fun and childish just because we want to. We feel that the absence of a million things jam packed into our day means we are not being productive or living life to the fullest, living up to expectations. I challenge you to ask the question…to the expectations of whom? Since when did more of everything mean more than quality? Since when did doing to many things in the day give us a better outcome than focusing solely on 2 or 3 and doing them well?

The inspiration for this post only came as i took time to lie on back on the grass in a beautiful estate down south with my feet and fingers wriggling in the grass. I’ve found of late when I connect to nature and I stop ‘forcing’, that in turn my creativity is able to flow freely, without limitations.

During these 12 weeks together, we will help teach you how to reconnect with your inner child, to shift your mind-set from needing to constantly go 1000 miles an hour, to continuously be thinking and worrying and stressing, to be able to sit till, in silence, to connect with yourself, to connect with nature, to start to move into a space where you prioritise yourself and your needs over those that don’t matter as much.

You will learn why you cannot give from an empty cup, the reason why making sure you are physically, emotionally and mentally balanced means that not only are you healthier/more constructive/happier etc, but that you are also able to give more of yourself to others/your projects/work/training etc. We have some awesome holistic classes, info and add ons for those who are ready to journey with us.

Some you will love and some you may not, but this is a safe space where you will be given the opportunity to try them out, ask questions and find what works for you. Humans are not one size fits all and whilst putting my feet in the ocean works wonders for me, it may not be your cup of tea.

Let us help you find your cup of tea, relocate your innocence and reclaim your life.

Rogue Road