Fitness | Nutrition

There is a difference between being big and strong. There is a difference between training for a comp and ‘training’ for life. Just as there is a difference between eating to compete and ‘eating’ for life.

As a nutritionist, a personal trainer and the owner of a food business, I have done everything. Some because it was the trend at the time, some because I wanted to and some for market research or because I was curious.

I came to the conclusion…calories in v calories out. THAT right there will determine fat loss, muscle gain and weight loss/grain. The interesting thing that I have found however over the years is the way I feel when I eat certain things or a certain way. Organic vs non-Organic. Home-made vs store bought. Processed v ‘raw/untouched’


When I fuel my body with clean food I perform better in the gym. I am less foggy, more alert. I am more productive, I am less cranky. Don’t get me wrong, I love a cheat day just as much as the next person, but I think there is a lot to say about moving from cheat day mentality to actually living a lifestyle that includes all the food groups both good and ‘bad’ at any time of the day/week/month/year. They call this #balance and in the next 12 weeks, that is what we plan on teaching you. That you can indeed have your cake and eat it too!

We have an amazing group of personal trainers who are here to coach you, to educate you and to help you learn how to train for life. Because just as it is important to not always be eating for a reason, for a goal, a comp, a dress size, it is also important to learn how to train for your mind, your body and your health.

With the average life expectancy continuously rising and with the busy adventure filled lives humans now lead it is paramount that we as adults make sure we are taking care of our bodies, our muscles, our joints, our bones so that they can support us in the best way possible. So they can literally carry us comfortably through life.

A big component of fitness that is missed is breathing. We do it all day every day and take it for granted. Your trainers will teach you how to use your breathing to your advantage, they will be able to help build up your mental strength, to teach you how to stretch properly and why it is so important, and of course they will help you reach all of those goals you are so close, yet ‘so far’ away from.

Not only will you get your very own personal trainer, but you will get access to all the trainers in our closed group. Here you will be able to ask any questions you may have to a group with a diverse range of skill sets and knowledge.

Mind Body Soul Team

Rogue Road